Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Writing a Good Press Release

When writing a press release, first ask yourself the obvious and basic questions: What? When? Who? Where? Why? How? and then answer them as succinctly and clearly as possible in the body of the press release.

Some very good advice is to remember to write in inverted pyramid form - the most important facts at the top and the least important facts towards the end. In other words, grab the reader's interest from the very beginning, keeping their interest for as long as possible so that they want to read through to the end.

The first paragraph should be punchy and succinct and should sum up the content of the press release in one sentence of no more than twenty-five words. This is the most important section of the press release so use it to educate and enlighten your reader, to make them want to read more.

An article released on a web-site should sound real. Liven it up with quotes (they need not be your own) but keep the whole content alive with your own conversational language and style. People love to read about what other people are doing, as long as it is written in an interesting fashion. Overblown formality or marketing-speak won't cut it.

Always put your contact details on the bottom of the press release and include a good low res photo, (with an invitation to contact you for a high res version if needed).

Remember, a PR is your way of selling yourself to the media.

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New Approach Prevents Skin Cancer Using Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Every year there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. One in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. 90% of skin cancers are caused by excessive sun exposure, yet fewer than 33 percent of adults, adolescents, and children routinely use sun protection.

Cancer prevention and early detection techniques could eliminate up to 100,000 cancer cases and 60,000 US cancer deaths each year. New technologies in the evaluation and treatment of sun damaged skin could have a positive impact on changing these statistics.

The same sunny weather that attracts so many tourists and new residents to the sun-belt also increases the risk of skin cancer. The effects of chronic sun exposure result in superficial sun spots that are visible and also invisible changes that occur under the skin's surface. Ultraviolet photography and photodynamic therapy (PDT) are two recent developments that should help in the early detection and treatment of both types of pre-cancerous skin lesions.

Early Detection with UV Photography Ultraviolet (UV) photography offers a very useful screening tool to help the skilled physician detect sun damaged skin that may not be visible upon a routine examination. Visual inspection can only detect changes on the skin's surface, but damage due to sun exposure occurs beneath the outer layer of skin,

The UV camera briefly shines ultraviolet light on the face. UV light is able to penetrate 1.5-2.0 millimeters under the visible dead layer of skin and focus on the actual living portion where sun damage originates. The advantage to the doctor and the patient is that this technology allows for much earlier detection of skin problems before they develop into pre-cancers that are visible on the skins surface. After finishing the treatment plan, the doctor should take another UV photo to verify the treatment efficacy. UV photography also helps evaluate other skin conditions including acne, oil balance, hydration, inflammation, growths, fungi, pH, and thin skin due to reduced collagen which makes it an ideal tool to evaluate all problem skin.

After the damage to the deeper layers of skin, superficial signs of sun damage may eventually appear on the surface. The most common surface lesion is known as actinic keratoses (AK). AKs usually appear as rough or scaly patches. They may also flake, crust, and may temporarily disappear and then return.

An AK is most likely to appear on the face, ears, scalp, neck, backs of the hands and forearms, shoulders, and lips - the parts of the body most often exposed to sunshine. The scaly patch may be light or dark, tan, pink, red, or a combination of these...or the same color as your skin.

It is estimated that 10-20% of untreated AKs will develop into squamous cell cancers. If treated early, almost all AKs can be eliminated without becoming skin cancers. If you have AKs, it indicates that you have sustained sun damage and have a higher risk for developing all types of skin cancer - not just squamous cell carcinoma.

The more keratoses a person has, the greater the chance that one or more may turn into skin cancer. People may also have up to 10 times as many subclinical (invisible) lesions as visible, surface lesions. These invisible lesions were undetectable until the development of the UV camera.

Treatment options The most common treatment options for AKs have traditionally involved topical ointment 5-FU (Effudex), laser resurfacing, or chemical peels. To avoid the prolonged recovery period and possible scarring associated with these techniques, photodynamic therapy has been developed.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is the treatment of choice for the invisible deeper sun damage as well as the visible pre-cancerous AK lesions. PDT involves a two step process that has been proven effective in clinical testing. This treatment cleared 100% of the AKs in 2/3 of the patients after one treatment.

The first step is the application of a topical solution called Levulan. Abnormal cells have a much greater affinity for the solution and absorb it while the healthy cells do not. The solution is left on for an incubation period lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to 18 hours.

The second step of PDT is to apply a concentrated light source to activate the chemical reaction which destroys the abnormal cells. Since the solution is absorbed only in the damaged cells, the healthy cells are not affected. This process can cause a mild burning sensation during the treatment. Usually, this improves immediately after treatment and ends within 24 hours.

Following the treatment, most patients experience mild swelling, redness, and a peeling of the AK lesions and the surrounding tissue. Patients choosing a more aggressive treatment will experience more peeling and/or crusting of the damaged skin that resolves within in one or two weeks. The doctor can easily control the severity of these reactions by limiting the incubation period and the amount of exposure to the light source.

Patients not willing to experience a prolonged recovery time after the procedure may choose a more mild treatment and return to work after a day or two. The tradeoff is that they will require more treatments to achieve the same clinical results.

In addition to eliminating AKs and the subsurface skin damage, PDT has also been effective in improving the appearance of the skin by greatly reducing moderate to severe acne (including cystic acne), reducing color splotches, lessening the fine lines, and decreasing pore size.

Anyone who currently has, has had, or wants to prevent AKs or pre-cancerous skin lesions should be evaluated and treated using UV photography and photodynamic therapy (PDT)." Once a person has been successfully treated using this approach, it is recommended they return for a yearly follow up to prevent future problems.

Sun Exposure & UV Rays - The Basic Facts   Sun Exposure & UV Rays - The Basic Facts   

How to Have Incredible Adventures and Enjoy Something New

If you ever feel a sense of cabin fever about your life and that things are a little more boring than you would like then this can be a very disconcerting feeling that nags at you until you do something about it. We watch films and read books partly because we want a little bit of escapism from our daily routine, but also often to get a sense of adventure that is sourly lacking in our regular lives. We evolved in the wild where we would spend most of our time tracking down our prey and fighting them with sticks and home-made weaponry, and would have spent the rest of our time scaling cliffs and running through jungle. Life should be more like that if you want to avoid going crazy and you need to make sure that you have at least some adventure in your life. Here we will look at how you can do this and how you can get that real feeling of excitement that many of us are lacking.

Discover Something New

One of the most important aspects of any 'adventure' is the sense of discovery that comes from finding something new or seeing an entirely new view. When you come over the top of a mountain and see an incredible view of a land you've never seen before then that's living and it will give you that feeling of discovery and awe.

One way to do this is simply to travel, but to get the real sense of wonder you need to travel to the places that are a little less typical and a little more unique. For instance you might want to visit an exciting vibrant city with a new culture such as Hong Kong or Tokyo, or you might want to visit the desert made entirely out of salt. It exists... go find it!

Another way to discover something completely unlike anything you've seen before is to head underwater. Under the sea is an entire world that looks completely alien and is completely unlike anything we have above ground. Dive into caves, see unusual sea creatures, and look at bizarre plant life and you will feel like you're touching down on an alien planet. Really quite incredible. Most resorts will offer you some kind of diving opportunity though you will need to do lessons and get certification first in order to be allowed to dive. It's cheap though and it's something anyone can do.

You can also discover something new in your own home in some cases and this is possible for anyone with a little scientific curiosity. Science really is discovery and adventure and it's pioneering into things we previously never understood. If you can get yourself a telescope and look at the moon in exquisite detail then this can really feel like an adventure.


The other aspect of adventure for some people is adrenaline and that means hurtling down a mountain or falling through the air. To experience this make sure you don't just go on holiday but that you do something there whether that means renting a go-kart or going mountain biking.

How to Have Incredible Adventures and Enjoy Something New   

Nylon Nuts

Standard type nuts with a nylon insert provide the best insulating and locking facilities in environments where there are high degrees of temperature variations, pressures and when gases or liquids need to be properly sealed into the chambers. Usually, engineers and mechanics use such nuts called "lock nuts" to provide a firm, air-tight grip. The nylon insert is fitted into the tapered end of the nut and wraps round inside the threads to provide better locking. The insert also makes the nut resistant to vibration, hence protects it from impact damage. Normal nuts may lose their grip due to vibration and render the component ineffective or dangerous.

The nuts themselves are available in a variety of materials such as carbon-steel, stainless-steel, alloys of steel, copper, brass, bronze and other tough, rust and corrosion proof materials. They may also be textured or finished in a variety of veneers such as chrome, nickel, zinc or could be powder coated or painted in different colors. These nuts are extensively used in the automobile industry White nylon nuts are also used to hold plastic sheets in place for playfields etc. They are also used in toys, furniture, walls etc. Many industries use different grades and colors of nylon for separate functions.

These nylon-insert lock nuts are used in a variety of other industries. Thinner gauge nylon is used in agricultural machinery, aerospace, computers, home-garden furniture, lighting fixtures, medical equipment, appliances, etc. Higher grades and thickness of nylon are required in the construction industry, for bridges and steel girders, oil rigs and railways.

Nylon is an excellent material for use in chemical industries, health-care and hospitals, oil refineries, food-processing, drinks and beverage bottling and marine industries. It is rust-proof, has excellent torque features and is corrosion resistant. One of the important qualities of nylon is that it is non-toxic, does not conduct electricity, non-magnetic, does not age, is resistant to sparking. Another good quality is that it is quite stable and is not inflammable and is non-combustible, can retard fire and withstand temperatures as high as 200F.

Apart from the standard threaded type, the screw type, snap-fit types, expansion, screw with grommets, etc are also available for different functions. There are contrasting opinions about the re-usability of nylon nuts, with many experts stating that they should never be re-used. However, others feel that if the manufacturer's instructions regarding re-use, lubrication and other instructions are followed, there is no harm in one or two re-cyclings of nylon nuts.

Nylon nuts differ in terms of height and choosing the right one depends on the application for which it has been purchased. Lower height nuts and normal heights are used in a variety of commercial and domestic applications, while heavier, taller nuts are used in heavy-duty structural functions.

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Inspecting a Used Excavator

Buying a used excavator can save you up to 50% of the cost than procuring a new one. However, if you are not careful enough, you might end up spending more money on repairs alone. It is therefore important to inspect the used excavator thoroughly before purchasing. You must enquire about the manufacturing date of the equipment, the specifications and date of last service. Furthermore, inspect the engine, the cab, stick, boom, bucket, track, undercarriage, hydraulic systems, swing system, gears and bearing, among others.

Engine Inspection; Excavators are designed to handle heavy tasks and are prone to wear and tear. While examining the engine, any signs of soot around the engine compartment might imply overhauling. Any oil leakage in the engine is an indication that it requires repairing. The air cooling system must also be inspected as presence of small amount of dirt can cause engine failure.

The Cab: While checking the cab, a reasonably good looking interior shows that it is being maintained properly. However, any out of place welding on the body is a sign of danger as it might be an indication that the body has previously suffered major damage.

The Bucket and Undercarriage: Make sure that nothing is bent on bucket, ensure that everything appears to be in place. Tracks and undercarriage of an excavator says a lot about its previous owner and how it was treated. Look out for wear and any signs of damage. Estimate the condition of sprockets and rollers and check if any of them need replacement. After inspecting the physical condition of the excavator, estimate the total cost the repair might need.

It is said that a well informed mechanic can say the problem in a vehicle just by listening to its engine. Therefore, start the engine and listen to detect any croaking sounds as it will give you invaluable insights into the working condition of excavator. You must also check the hydraulic system and examine the hydraulic tubes and cylinders for any sign of damage or unusual bending. Any bending can increase the wear and tear of the equipment and soon require that it be replaced. Also, track the performance of swing systems including gears and bearing before making a purchase.

Buying a used excavator is more of a financial decision than a technical one. It is paramount that you consider the gross cost rather than just listed price. The gross cost includes the listed price plus the carefully evaluated cost of repairs. If necessary, it is advisable that you seek the recommendations of a professional mechanic to make the most reasonable estimates. Proper inspection of a used excavator is the surest way to get value for your money, don't rush.

How Regularly Should You Service Your Chainsaw?   Important Considerations in Finding Wood Splitters for Sale   Cable Grommets: Managing Your Cables and Wires Efficiently   P Clips   Wells and Well Filters   Wood For Your Kitchen, Is This The Right Choice?   

Various Types of Wash Basins That Furnish Your Bathroom

Different types of furnishings can be used to decorate the bathroom and enhance its interior decor. Every bathroom requires some essential items such as wash basin, toilet, shower panel, bath tub, wall mirrors and so forth. Today there are many interior designing tips which can be used to enhance the overall appearance of a bathroom.

Among various types of fittings used in bathrooms, wash basin is one of the most essential components in any bathroom. As it is used commonly, it is important to choose basins according to individual needs and the entire decor of the bath. Today there are various types of basins which can be incorporated into any type of home.

Bathroom wash basins have evolved in designs and shapes. Today it is available according to the requisites of the customers. Most of the home owners prefer to use designer sinks as it adds to the decor of the room.

Different Types of Wash Basins

Some of the most stylish varieties of sinks include the following.

Pedestal: Pedestal sinks are classic and regal. It is commonly found in most of the homes. These sinks sit on top of a slim base which is either taper or cylindrical as it touches the floor. Pedestal sinks exude an aura of elegance and sophistication but it lacks proper storage capacity. It is not ideal for bathrooms with limited space and suits well in rooms with architectural designs and high ceilings. However, pedestal wash basin is now available in elegant and aesthetic designs to suit any type of room.

Wall hung: Simple in style and designs, the wall hung sinks are also widely used in most of the places. However, it is durable and available in different shapes and sizes to suit individual requisites. It can be installed in bathrooms with limited amount of space. As it does not include pedestals, it is quite easy to clean beneath the wall hung sinks. It is easy to find a plethora of designs and styles in wall-hung sink varieties. It is blended with exceptional accessories and designs which will embellish any type of bathroom. Some of the most popular varieties include the square wall mount, mount basin with towel bar, English turn corner basin and so forth.

Countertop: Also known as the bowl basin, it is often set on top of a counter or cabinet. It basically resembles a salad bowl and it is made of glass, ceramic, metal, stainless steel, porcelain and so forth. It is usually installed higher than the ordinary wash basins due to its unique features. Faucets that can reach up to the edge of the sink are also required to install these basins. However, it has a unique style and elegance to alter the entire appearance of the room.

Various other types of furnishing can also enhance the decor of a bath. Shower panels are another essential fitting used to add essence to the existing decor. Bath tubs and toilets are also made available in different colors and designs to suit different styles and budgets.

How Regularly Should You Service Your Chainsaw?   Important Considerations in Finding Wood Splitters for Sale   Cable Grommets: Managing Your Cables and Wires Efficiently   P Clips   Wells and Well Filters   Wood For Your Kitchen, Is This The Right Choice?   

Updating Your Jewellery Valuations for Your Jewelry Insurance Policies

It is extremely important to have your special jewellery pieces properly insured just in case the worst should happen and you should suffer a loss. Jewelry pieces are often items of high sentimental value making a loss exceptionally painful to bear, especially as the result of a crime. So, the last thing that you would want to happen is to discover you are under-insured and are unable to replace what you have lost at current market prices. As metals and stones prices fluctuate all the time, how do you revalue your jewellery every year for the annual policy renewal, whether for a specialist jewelry insurance policy or for a general household contents policy with a section for insuring jewellery?

The easiest and most accurate way of updating your jewellery valuations is to pay for a professional annual revaluation of your jewellery. However, jewellery valuations do not come cheap, with prices charged typically 1-2% of the overall value of the jewellery. With the rise in jewellery prices as a result of raw material price rises, this method of pricing automatically means that the charges made for valuations have been rising steeply in recent years. Many people don't want to pay for a professional jewelry valuation every year. So, how do you go about estimating an updated value for your jewelry for insurance policy purposes yourself?

The first thing to do is to talk to your insurance company. It may be that they require you to revalue your jewellery professionally every year. If this is the case, then you have no choice than to obtain a professional valuation annually. However, it will be worth shopping around to see if you can find a jeweller who will make the first initial charge and then charge a nominal amount for the yearly update.

Having talked to your insurance company and found that they do not require a professional annual valuation, you go ahead and decide to make your own estimates. Firstly, get back in touch with the insurance company and ask if they have a rule of thumb for applying percentage changes to jewellery pieces, which you could use. However, even if they do, it is comforting to confirm their number with your own calculations. If you have gold jewellery, then the best way of going about this is to take the price you paid for the item of jewellery, use the internet to find out the percentage movement in the gold price since you bought the item and apply that figure to the price you paid for it. This would also apply to items made in silver. Gold and silver prices are widely available on the internet. Try to use metals prices denominated in your own currency. If you were resident in the UK, but used US$ metals prices then you would not be including the effect of the US$:UK£ exchange rate movements. Ensure that you do not simply apply the price per gram price to your item, as this would significantly underestimate the value of your item, as it would ignore the value of the piece over and above the value of the raw material.

However, what do you do if your piece of jewellery contains diamonds as well as metal, such as a princess-cut solitaire diamond engagement ring? The safest way of insuring your pieces is always via a professional valuation, but if you are absolutely set on going down the 'do it yourself' route, then you need to have a reference point which splits out the value of the metal and the value of the diamonds. This would be practically impossible to do yourself as a layman and only a professional jewellery valuer would be able to give you this information. So, your strategy could be either to ask for this information when purchasing the item - but don't expect lightweight jewellery sales assistants to know this information. You would only get this type of information from a 'proper' jeweller with many years of experience in the industry. Alternatively, have one professional jewellery valuation carried out and ask for a split of the valuation into diamonds value and metal value. Once you have your reference point, then search on the internet for 'diamond prices' and calculate a percentage movement in diamond prices and a percentage movement in metals prices and apply the values to your piece.

Whether you are revaluing gold jewellery or jewellery set with diamonds, if you find the value of your piece has fallen, then the safest thing would be to keep the value flat or constant for insurance purposes, given that jewellery retailers are generally reluctant to reduce their prices. A small overvaluation of your jewellery for insurance purposes is considerably safer than an undervaluation.

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Unoccupied Property Insurance

Do you happen to always be worried about your property? Whether it is your own house or where your business is. Well, where your business is located is important and if you are hit by the hard times and your building or area becomes unoccupied, I'm sure that will worry you even more. Worry no more for there is an answer to this.

There are now companies that provide unoccupied property insurance. What is this, you may ask? Well, let me tell you more about it because it will be good for you to be aware of such a thing. Mind you, they not only provide insurance for an empty office building but also for empty houses, vacant industrial units, empty factory buildings, vacant offices and shops as well. The insurance companies incur greater risks when actually providing insurance for properties like these because there may be instances of vandalism, fire and are not always subjected to visits and check-ups of the area.

But they do customise policies according to circumstances. Their standard policies automatically cover owner or landlord liability. They also offer additional protection against explosion, aircraft, lighting, subsidence, landslip, fire and heave. Fire is a great enemy of insurers and empty or unoccupied properties are very susceptible to this. You might think that your property is not prone but if there are outer buildings like a shed or garage that is mostly made out of wood for instance, a fire that starts there can eventually spread to the main building.

Unoccupied property insurance may also cover buildings or properties that are under renovation or refurbishment. Obviously, these places would be at risk as well. If you are just planning to have a property renovated or refurbished, it is best to start looking into insurance for unoccupied property. You may have to pay for it but in the long run, it would be great help for you never know what might happen in the process.

If on the other hand, a property that you own is up for sale, therefore unoccupied or in the process of being occupied, this then falls under the standard insurance policy. But don't think that you have no options for this because can help you out and give coverage over and above what is provided by the standard policy.

So as early as now, it would be advisable to check out insurance companies that provide unoccupied property insurance. You can get in touch with them and for sure they will have specialist insurers who can help you out.

Insurance for Home Workers - Do You Need To Look At What You Are Covered For?   Why It's Necessary to Avail Property Insurance   How Does Legal Expenses Cover Work?   iPad Insurance - UK Providers   Full Protection To Landlords Through Let Property Insurance   Is Your Home Alone?   

Gadget Insurance Cover

Gadgets are a part and parcel of our daily life. Each and every one of us uses gadgets for various purposes right from communicating with our family and friends to discussions with our clients and boss. Various gadgets are available, each of them meant for a specific task, some are exclusively for surfing the net others for chatting and even some just for pictures. Gadgets help you save time and at the same time boost your overall productivity no matter whether it's used in the comfort of your home or office. Gadgets are a precious part of your life and you wouldn't want to lose them due to theft or a breakdown. Therefore, insurance is what you need to ensure the safety of your precious gadget.

Getting the Best Gadget Insurance to Meet Your Needs

There are millions of different types of gadgets and to meet the growing needs there are thousands of different insurance plans. These plans aren't the same; they all offer you different degrees of protection. Even though plans may seem similar, if you would spend some time and go through the actual terms you would notice that the level of protection differs a lot. So when getting yourself gadget insurance you need to consider coverage features and not the packages. Most of the insurance packages use similar titles and boast of the same features; but, they differ in price. The reason is the level of protection and the areas covered. These differences may seem petty, but when it comes to actually claiming your insurance they can work wonders - positive or negative depending on your insurance plan. When choosing your gadget insurance plan, you should avoid any plan that is under-priced or overpriced as these are the ones that have many loopholes. Many highly priced plans may include robust solutions and coverage; however, the actual coverage you're going to need won't be included. Therefore, when choosing your insurance plan you need to think about your gadget and what could happen to it; thereby, choose the perfect plan to meet your needs.

Find Out What Your Gadget Insurance Really Insures

Your gadgets can be harmed by various factors and therefore you need a way to control most of them - at least the most common and rampant of them. You can easily protect your gadgets from falling and getting damaged; but there's no way you can protect it from the weather. Of course you could by locking it up and packing it safely, but when you use it, it is susceptible to damage. When considering a insurance plan, don't think about today; spend some time and prepare for the future, where are you going to use it and what could happen to it? Once you know exactly what you need, go through the various gadget insurance plans and pick out a few that best match your needs. Once the shortlist is created, go the extra mile and pick the one that's absolutely perfect. Spending time choosing the right plan isn't time wasted. Instead, if you hurry and choose the first plan that pops up, you're going to regret it.

Insurance for Home Workers - Do You Need To Look At What You Are Covered For?   Why It's Necessary to Avail Property Insurance   How Does Legal Expenses Cover Work?   iPad Insurance - UK Providers   

2 Search Engine Marketing Tips That You Can Use

Are you a fan of search engine marketing? Most people aren't, and these are the people who will never try to attempt it because of how hard it is to rank high for a quality keyword term that gets a lot of searches everyday. But you should know that you should be doing some form of search engine optimization if you want to have the success that you're looking for in your business.

Search engine marketing show play a crucial role in the development of your website creation. For every webpage that you make, you will want to center it around a particular keyword phrase. You can find a list of keyword terms that are relevant to your site by using Google's free keyword tool. You can Google it and find it in the search results easily.

To make search engine marketing easy and understandable, I have gathered a few tips that you can use to boost your search engine rankings simply and easily. These tips don't require a lot of effort, but you will have to put in some work if you want SEO to work for you. In fact, here's the first tips for doing search engine marketing in your business:

1) Create new webpages often

Ideally you want to create new webpages on a daily basis. But if you don't have the time to create new content for your website everyday, then strive to do it on a weekly basis. The search engine robots will visit your site occasionally to see if you've created new content for your website. And if you have, you can expect the robots to add your content to the search engines soon.

You will want to do this to get as much traffic as possible. Keep creating new content for your website, and you will be good to go. Eventually your traffic will increase, your page rank will increase, people will start visiting your site more often, and people will start to link back to your website to a piece of content that someone found very helpful - and wanted to share with other people also.

Here's another tip:

2) Get more backlinks

You can get backlinks in a variety of ways. But you should know that the best kind of backlink is something called a "1-way" backlink. A 1-way backlink is a backlink that was created by someone linking back to your website. In most cases, a 1-way backlink is created when you have a piece of content and someone decides to link back to it because they found it useful and helpful.

The more high-quality 1-way backlinks you get (from a site related to yours), the more your search engine rankings will increase. And the more your search engine rankings increase, the more traffic you will get on a daily basis.

Hopefully you'll be able to use these 2 search engine strategies to get the traffic and sales that you are looking for in your business. They're simple and easy to do and understand, and I think you should start doing them today in your business.

Good luck with using these tips to earn more money in your business today.

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Keyword Article Marketing 101

Getting your blog ranked higher in the search engines takes work... a lot of work... we know the benefits of SEO, but sometimes there just isn't enough time to focus on both writing the article the way you want and make it SEO friendly. That's why I wrote this article about Keyword Article Marketing, because you can't always get them perfect...

Creating fresh, engaging content will build a loyal following and drive more traffic to your blog. But, if you're looking to improve your SEO with no budget, tweak your existing articles to get higher search engine rankings by following the advice in this Keyword Article Marketing 101 article.

Even when you do the proper SEO stuff, don't expect your article to be on the first page of Google in a few days. And don't stuff keywords into your post for ranking purposes. It won't really help, and the words probably won't flow well. There are however, several strategies to get your blog posts to rank higher. Instead, focus on these areas of on-page SEO and you'll be able to improve your search engine rankings.

Keyword Research Tools

Google Keyword Tool Google Insights for Search to research trends in search phrases. Wordtracker

Premium keyword research tools

SEObook SEOmoz

Use Your Keyword / Phrase in Your Post Title

Use the keyphrase in the title of your post and in your title tags.

Choose One Keyword / Phrase, Then Write or Tweak Your Article

Find a keyphrase with little competition; but you do want it to have some search traffic (greater than 500). Then write an article that targets that keyphrase or go back through some of your older articles and tweak them for a specific phrase.

Repeat the Keyword / Phrase in Your Article

Include your keyphrase in the first paragraph. This will have little impact on your rankings, but will show your readers that they're in the right place.

Focus on Low-Competition Keyword / Phrases

Don't waste your time going after highly competitive keywords with on-site optimization because you won't be able to rank for them, at least not yet. Take one of the phrases you found while doing keyword research, type it into Google search using quotations, e.g. "how to install WordPress", and then look at the number that appears below the search box. If the number is large (over 25,000), avoid it because it's highly competitive. If it's small, it's easier to score a higher ranking.

Use the Keyword / Phrase in Your Meta Description Tags

Using keywords in your meta description tags doesn't help you rank higher, but when people search Google for a specific keyword(s), Google bolds it in the search results. It won't help you rank higher, but will encourage people to click on the search results.

Find Images Related to Your Keyword / Phrase

When you publish your articles, find related images and use your keyphrase in the alt description of your image.

Summary of the Components Your Article Should Have

If you have a picture for your article, name it the same as the keyphrase you're trying to rank for, e.g. keyphrase = network marketing leads, your image should be named network-marketing-leads. I generally go with about 400x300 in size, 256 colors, save as a ".jpg" or ".png". When you put the image in your blog post, link it to your article post slug (url of the article). Make the "alt tag" for the picture the same as the keyphrase.

You should have at least 1 of each:

H1 tag H2 tag H3 tag Underline tag Italics tag Bold tag

In the first paragraph, try to use the keyphrase twice; make this your H1 tag and link the specific keyphrase to the url of the article. When this article gets placed on other blogs or websites, it creates a link back to this article (backlinks). What I typically try to do is use the keyphrase in the first paragraph, bold it, underline it, and put it in italics; this way I kill 4 birds with one stone (as shown above).

In the second or third paragraph use the keyphrase again; make this paragraph your H2 tag. In a paragraph toward the end of the article use the keyphrase again; make this paragraph your H3 tag.

For the post tags, use the keyword and related phrases, this is where the Google keyword tool will help you find related keywords. 5-10 good keywords will usually suffice. Your main keyphrase should be used roughly once per every 100 words; the length of the article should be roughly 450-600 words.

You can also use various WordPress plugins that will help you optimize your blog posts; there are many good SEO plugins that will assist you in following these basic techniques, tell you what you're missing, and score your article.

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